Today, we’re speaking with Inkubator Books’ author Nora Valters. Nora is the author of Now You Know and The Party.

Inkubator Books: When did you start writing?

Nora Valters: I first started writing fiction in 2017. Up until then I’d always been a voracious reader but had never put pen to paper to write my own stories. Perhaps a little when I was a child, but I don’t remember any time in particular.

In 2017, I was working in PR and marketing and wrote content all the time (press releases, social posts, websites, blogs, etc.), so writing came naturally to me and I wasn’t scared of the blank page as some new writers are. I was used to writing quickly to a deadline so that definitely stood me in good stead!

My first psychological thriller was a novella called Distortions. I tweaked, edited, fiddled and rewrote it for three years, until I published it as my first novel Her Biggest Fan in 2020.

IB: Do you base your characters off people you know or are they all the product of your imagination?

NV: A little bit of both! My characters are inspired by people I know and people I meet, as well as strangers who I might overhear in the street or at a restaurant. They also come from movies, TV series, books, true crime documentaries, newspaper articles and so on.

I’m constantly absorbing different character quirks and noticing body language or different turns of phrase. I’m definitely a people watcher. I file all these things away in my imagination and then draw on them when I’m creating characters.

For example, one of my characters in Here For You has a habit of massaging his feet. This came from an acquaintance telling me she’d gone to an event and a man there took off his shoes and massaged his feet and then tried to shake her hand. It had made her cringe. So I added that as a character quirk because I found it so eccentric and memorable.

IB: What’s the most difficult part of your writing process?

NV: The most difficult part of my writing process is knowing when to stop. Honestly, I could edit and tweak forever. Having the ability to say, ‘this is finished’ seems to have passed me by! Perhaps it’s a perfectionist thing? Not sure, but I’m thankful to work with editors who can say, this is great, it’s done.

IB: What comes first for you – plot or characters?

NV: The plot definitely comes first and the characters second. A novel starts in my head as a specific event, and then evolves. Once I’ve got a strong idea, I then start thinking about who the people are that would do these things or react in these ways.

Before I start writing, I spend a lot of time plotting out a story. I like to know in meticulous detail what happens in every chapter, what the beginning, middle and end is of a story. And then I spend just as much time working on the characters. I like to know them inside out – all their quirks (see above!) and little foibles to add colour and make them memorable and believable.

IB: Have you ever traveled to research for a book?

NV: Yes. My latest book, The Party, is set in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. I knew the city relatively well from various visits there since childhood and also from staying with my sister when she used to live there.

However, I knew I needed to go deeper. Just before I started writing, I spent a wonderful long weekend there walking around the centre, exploring the cathedral, visiting all the landmarks and reading up on them. I also went in lots of cafés and shops and identified locations which I could use in the novel.

For example, the main character has a moment of reflection while sitting in the cloisters at Salisbury Cathedral on a specific bench under a specific memorial plaque. This was a quiet, contemplative spot that I enjoyed when I visited. It was the perfect setting for that scene. I think small details like that bring a place to life in a novel.

IB: What was your favorite childhood book?

NV: I was obsessed with Pet Sematary by Stephen King when I was younger. I read it so many times that my paperback copy was falling to pieces. I also loved horror books, and devoured the Point Horror series for young adults.

It’s odd, because I absolutely hate anything horror now! I enjoy creepy psychological thrillers, but can’t stand anything scary that makes you jump.

IB: What does your writing space look like?

NV: My writing space is surprisingly uncluttered and tidy. I work on a small white table with just my laptop, a notebook and pen, and my water bottle on it. And occasionally a mug with tea or coffee. I like an empty, quiet space around me when I write.

The rest of my home is quite cluttered, colourful and ‘busy’… which is why this is surprising!

IB: What are you doing when you aren’t writing?

NV: If I’m not writing but still working, I’ll do marketing bits like my newsletter, updating my socials, tweaking my website. Or general work admin.

In my leisure time, I read a lot. Do lots of hiking and walking. I love painting with acrylic paints. I’m also pretty social, so am often seeing friends and getting out and about. One friend told me recently that I’m always up for anything, which is true! Recently I’ve tried surfing, knitting, playing deduction board games, and fencing.

IB: Do you have any pets?

NV: Unfortunately, no, I don’t have any pets. But I’m very lucky that many of my friends and family have dogs that I often walk and dog-sit. I LOVE dogs. But I also LOVE cats. When I’m a bit more settled and not doing so much travelling, I’ll have one of each!

IB: Do you have any tips for first-time authors?

NV: There’s so much advice out there that is amazing for first-time authors. I can’t remember where I heard this but one of the things that massively helps me is the read text aloud function in Microsoft Word.

When I’ve written something and read and re-read it many times it becomes hard to really see the mistakes anymore. But hearing a robot voice read the text out loud is brilliant – because I can still hear the mistakes. For example, word repetition, an awkward sentence, or the wrong word choice. It really helps with flow and pace.


Thanks to Nora for sitting down with us today.

Want to read Nora’s books? Check out her titles on Amazon.

You can find Nora Valters at the following places:

Deadly Vengeance by OMJ Ryan