Today, we’re speaking with Inkubator Books’ author Jessica Huntley. Jessica is the author of Don’t Tell a Soul.

Inkubator Books: When did you start writing?
Jessica Huntley: Officially, I started in April 2020 at the start of lockdown, but unofficially I started when I was ten, having written nine full-length books by the time I was 18. In lockdown, my love of writing came back after I did a Novel Writing course and the rest, as they say, is history. I haven’t stopped writing since.

IB: What does a typical day of writing look like for you?
JH: Once the morning errands have been done (child to school, dog walked, 40 minutes of exercise and a shower), I sit down to write from 10 am till 12. I have lunch, walk the dog again, write for another 2 hours and then do the school run. It depends how many words I need to get done and if I have anything else on, such as interviews, podcast recordings, social media posts, etc. but on average I write from anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day during the weekend and about an hour at weekends.

IB: Do you base your characters off people you know or are they all the product of your imagination?
JH: Yes, sometimes I do use real people as inspiration for my characters, however I’ll never make them exactly the same, just a fun quirk or something. Usually, they come from my imagination because there, they have free reign!

IB: What’s the most difficult part of your writing process?
JH: The ending. For some reason, I always struggle to tie up the endings of my books. I like to leave my readers hanging a little. My endings are rarely neatly tied up in a bow, but sometimes this means lot of re-writes and a lot of time with me just staring at the screen thinking… now what? I also struggle with the initial plotting, but thankfully the Inkubator team are on hand to help me iron out any issues and brainstorm ideas.

IB: What comes first for you – plot or characters?
JH: Characters, because without them, there is no story or plot. I like to make sure I have a clear picture of what my characters look like in my head before I start writing. Yes, they may develop and change as the story progresses, but I need to start off with a decent character first.

IB: Which of your books is your favorite? Why?
JH: Well, before I was signed with Inkubator Books, I wrote 9 other books, which are self-published. As much as I love my debut novel with Inkubator, my favourite book I’ve written is My Dark Self, a dark thriller about two people who share a body. It was such fun to write and enter into the mind of a psychopath (to an extent).

IB: How would you describe your ideal reader?
JH: Someone who enjoys going on a wild journey, who likes being shocked and who is happy to stay up late into the night to finish a book. Also, they have to like feeling uncomfortable while reading a thriller – my books aren’t for readers who want a happy ending!

IB: What are you doing when you aren’t writing?
JH: Mum stuff mostly! I also love walking my dog, although since he had an accident a couple of years ago, he can’t walk as far anymore. I enjoy exercise too; a previous career of mine was a personal trainer, so I’ve always liked to keep fit. If I’m not doing any of that then I’m probably reading a thriller book!

IB: What does your writing space look like?
JH: Right this second, I don’t have one because I’m in the process of moving, so I sit on the sofa with my laptop. However, once I’ve moved then I’ll have my own office, a brand-new desk, a shelf with all my published books, two computer screens, my qualifications on the walls (novel writing and editing and proofreading diplomas) and framed pictures of all of my books, plus a few writing quotes dotted everywhere. No desk plants though – plants tend to die quickly around me.

IB: Have you ever traveled to research for a book?
JH: No, I haven’t, but I’d love to do this one day when I have the money. However, I’m not a huge fan of travelling due to several phobias of mine including flying in a plane.

IB: What genres do you like to read? Who are some of your favorite authors?|
JH: Mostly I read various genres of thrillers; psychological, suspense, crime, a bit of horror. I will sometimes like a light and fluffy read to have a break, but 90% of what I read are thrillers. I also read a lot of self-published books and some of my favourite authors are self-published or started out as self-published, including the one and only John Marrs! I also love Chris Carter and Lucy Clarke.

IB: What was your favorite childhood book?
JH: Is it still okay to say Harry Potter? However, as a younger child I loved Mog and Bunny and The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

IB: Have you ever abandoned a book you were writing? How did you know it was the right thing to do?
JH: Yes, but I eventually went back to it and have managed to finish it off. I knew it was the right decision to leave it because it started to feel like a chore to write, and writing, for me, should never feel like a chore.

IB: If you could eliminate one thing from your daily life, what would it be?
JH: Cleaning the house. Thanks to my 5-year-old and a shedding dog, I never stop cleaning!

IB: Do you have any pets?
JH: Yes, a black Labrador called Morgan. He is 8 years old and 2 years ago he ruptured his spine and became paralysed. My husband and I had to teach him to walk again and two years later, we still do daily physio sessions at home with him to keep his legs strong. He’ll never be the dog he used to be, but at least he can walk slowly without pain. Bless him.

IB: How do you relax?
JH: Reading or writing … or a big glass of wine in the bath!

IB: Who are your first readers when you write a new book?
JH: My twin sister. She’s read everything I’ve ever written.

IB: Which do you enjoy writing more: dialogue or internal thoughts?
JH: Internal thoughts for sure because, just like real life, my characters don’t always say what they mean and hide things from others! It’s such fun to write.


Thanks to Jessica for sitting down with us today.

Want to read Jessica’s books? Check out her titles on Amazon.

You can find her at the following places:
Website: (Free short story if you sign up to her newsletter)
Facebook: Jessica Huntley – Author
Twitter: @jess_read_write
Instagram: @jessica_reading_writing


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