Today, we’re speaking with Inkubator Books’ author Lorraine Murphy. Lorraine Murphy is the author of Into the Woods and Be Careful What You Wish For.

Inkubator Books: When did you start writing?
Lorraine Murphy: I was making up stories since I can remember, composing plays and songs with my friends and performing for anyone who would watch us. I had a very 1980s childhood spent outdoors with friends, imagination and plenty of time to fill – the very best kind!

IB: What does a typical day of writing look like for you?
LM: A typical day for me is writing for four hours in the morning then doing something else in the afternoon, whether it be research, further reading or a dip in a cold lake.  After four hours, my productivity goes through the floor and I do more damage than good if I keep at it.

IB: Do you base your characters off people you know or are they all the product of your imagination?
LM: I tend to base their appearance on actual people, usually actors, but their personalities are their own.  I love when people guess who I had in mind for my characters when writing the book, that’s a great feeling.

Recently, a very strange thing happened. My friend Rachel read He Loves Me Not and assumed Hand’s newsagents was based on a shop she knew well. I didn’t know it so she drove me there and it was the one from my book, right down to the steps down to it and the items they sold. I was so freaked out!

IB: How would you describe your ideal reader?
LM: I don’t have an ideal reader but I do hope my books are accessible for all. I like complex characters, simple language and no wasted time. I think books should be for everyone so I love when they are made into audio format too.

IB: What does your writing space look like?
LM: Either a pine chair at my kitchen table with the radio playing in the background or a chair at a reserved desk in Mullingar Library, depending on my mood. The library is an incredible resource with the most supportive, friendly and helpful staff.

IB: What genres do you like to read? Who are some of your favorite authors?
LM: I enjoy thrillers and Irish fiction but I’ll read anything that grips me within the first few pages. Liz Nugent and Stephen King are my favourite authors but I enjoy Shari Lapena, Claire McGowan and even a bit of Peter Kay. The best book I have read recently is The Bee Sting by Paul Murray.

IB: How do you come up with names for your characters?
LM: I put a lot of thought into my character names. For Into the Woods, I wanted to use normal names that have morphed into derogatory terms, hence my characters Karen, Paddy and Felicia. I also love using colour threads as I did with Scarlett and Rose. For Be Careful What You Wish For, Tara continued the Gone with the Wind theme started with Into the Woods and if I explain Cassie’s name, it might ruin the story.

In He Loves Me Not, Ruth is a biblical name and it is a play on the word root, but a lot of my other characters are named after people who have sadly passed away.

IB: What was your favorite childhood book?
LM: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss. I was obsessed with it.

IB: Do you have any tips for first-time authors?
LM: Back yourself. Write while you’re learning but keep learning. Don’t listen to the demons in your head, put them on the page.

IB: Do you have any pets?
LM: We have a ginger cat called Paddy who couldn’t care less about books.

IB: How do you approach your genre in a unique way?
LM: I like to include nods to fairytales in my books which the eagle-eyed reader will pick up on. Since I was a child, I have found dark fables thrilling and adored Hans Christian Andersen and Irish mythology. As a teen, I discovered Jim Henson’s The Storyteller and it blew my mind.

IB: How do you relax?
LM: I enjoy freshwater swimming, taking part in our local parkrun, being a Toastmaster, reading, going to live events and spending time with family and friends. And sleeping. I am a champion sleeper.

IB: Who are your first readers when you write a new book?
LM: My mam, who is my biggest fan. After she’s finished, I have great friends who are avid readers and let me know what they think.


Thanks to Lorraine Murphy for sitting down with us today.

Want to read Lorraine Murphy books? Check out her titles on Amazon.

You can find her at the following places:
Twitter: @MurphyLorr
Instagram: @lorraine.a.murphy

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